Installing Demo Content

AmyMovie is supporting 5 homepages for Elementor page builder and WPBakery Page Builder. Each homepage will display the different purpose of your website, and it requires different plugins as well.

Please follow the guides below to see how to do.

Step 1: Please see the guide at Plugin installation to install & activate plugin AmyMovie Extends and One Click Demo Import.

Step 2: From Dashboard => Appearance => Import Demo Data, you will see the demo for Elementor and WPBakery.

Step 3: Click on Preview Demo button at the demo you like, then click on Import Demo button to import the demo content. For example, I will install the demo of Single Cinema Elementor.

Step 4: After clicking on Import Demo button, the required and recommended plugins for this demo will appear, please tick to install and activate all those plugins, then wait for some seconds for the demo content imported.

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