Movie Grid Shortcode

Movie Grid Shortcode supports to show the movies in the grid layout.

1. Query Option #

2. Layout Option #

» Number Movies: Enter the number of movies will display on this block.
» Layout: Movie Grid shortcode provides you two layouts. Please choose a layout that you want.
» Columns: Click on the arrow down icon to choose the number of columns for the grid layout.
» Tooltip Type: Shows if you choose Layout 1. You can decide to choose the dark tooltip, light tooltip or disable the tooltip.
» Show Fields – Front:: Shows if you choose Layout 1. Click on the box to choose which data will be shown on the movie before hovering on the movie poster.
» Show General Field: Firstly, you can enable/ disable the fields at Movie Custom Fields part of Movie Settings section. Which fields are enabled at that Movie Custom Field part will appear on this option. Click on the box to decide which fields will show on the tooltip.
» Show Custom Field: Released Date and Language are two default custom fields. And the other custom fields created at Movie Custom Fields section of Movie settings will be displayed there. You can drag & drop to enable/ disable as well as changing the position of those fields on the tooltip.
» Pagination: Select On/ Off to show/ hide the pagination.
» Extra Class: Enter the extra class for this block (optional).

3. Button Options

On the front-end, you can see

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